Saturday, March 31, 2012

All workout and no play...

I took the night off last night, which is why I didn't make a blog. Had dinner with some good friends, and relaxed. No one should feel guilty for letting yourself rest for a day here and there. In fact, I should have rested more when I first started. Anyway, this morning I'm all dressed, ready for the gym.

It's been really nasty weather here, and I forgot how nice it is to have a gym membership when it's like this. Usually, I'd get all bummed and start playing video games. Now I can actually go work out, and I guess it must helps my mood when the weather is so horrible.

I have pretty bad seasonal depression, so anything like this helps a lot. Getting in the sauna after a good workout seems to really help. I'm sure if I had the money, tanning would help even more.

Meals: I did good again yesterday. Not as good, but really, some times you have to take it easy on food. Get too tight, and you'll end up going off the deep end. So I had Cheerios for breakfast, dry. For lunch I had Chinese food, chicken and rice. For dinner, I had a spicy chicken wrap. Usually when going out to dinner I'd have a beer, but I haven't had a beer in a couple of weeks now. That's tough because I really like beer.

This morning, I've only had an egg.

Workout: Or the lack of.... well I let myself rest. And today I feel great! I'm rested and ready for a good workout. If I can keep eating well all this week, I can't wait to see what the scale says on Wednesday.

Another thing that is really helping me out is that at work some of the gals went in together and got a scale. There is a group of people who weigh in once a week, and share that data with the rest of the group. You'd be surprised at just how well that setup works to keep me in line. I'd encourage this type of "contest" at any work-place that allows it. Accountability is a great motivator.

After the gym I felt great, but tired. I'd only eaten one egg, so when I got home I had a couple more eggs.

I did see a result of this working out. I put on a pair of pants I hadn't worn in a while because they were too tight. Now they are just a little snug. That's good motivation.

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