Saturday, April 07, 2012

Looks like I have a bit of catching up to do. No I didn't stop going to the gym, quite the opposite. I've only skipped a couple of days, just because of life. I don't see that as a bad thing, in fact I see it as a good thing. Letting myself repair a little. I've been doing great at eating the right things, and eating the right amount. And I have been losing inches off my waist.

Status update would have to include how good I'm feeling after eating the right things and going to the gym for a couple of weeks. Being hungry feels great. I'm hungry from actually needing the nutrition, not from being bored.

Even though I've added a little muscle I still lost about 1.0 lbs in one week. The big motivator today was when I put my motorcycle jacket on, and it fit a little loose instead of being a bit tight. I also have noticed pants fitting much better. People may say that's not a big deal, and they would be right, but it's what keeps people like me going.

I went to the gym this morning, ran for a bit, then hit the sauna, and I'm going back in a bit to do some weights.

My goal is still to lose fat, and be able to run for a lot longer a time without getting winded. I'm still not going to do a lot of heavy weights, although doing weights is a great way to burn fat. I'm doing less weight and more reps.

Food still includes more protein and less carbs. It's working well, and I'm feeling less bloated, or heavy. I have a feeling some of the large amounts of wheat I was eating wasn't doing my skin much good. I'm also staying away from tomato juice. I've heard it might not be good for my skin either.

I'm doing back and shoulders today, mixing it up from back and biceps.

Here's to health!

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