Tuesday, April 24, 2012

And the Muscle said, "I'm confused!"

One thing a busy gym will do is make you think creatively when trying to work a muscle group. But even if the gym is not busy, I rarely ever work a muscle the same way more than a couple times in a row. Some people call it muscle confusion, but I call it not being bored.

Muscles are cool. They allow you to lift things, and if they can't help you lift something as many times as you want them to, they get torn down, and they repair bigger. Duh, right? Well if you don't tear down a muscle it will not get bigger. Not only that but you won't burn as many calories at rest because your muscles aren't repairing.

I'm just keeping it simple... anyway, plateauing a muscle means it's used to what you are doing. It's used to how you do it. It's really good at that exact movement, speed and angle. Change the speed, movement or angle, and BAM! Muscle confusion. Change where you have the most resistance in the movement and you will also feel the difference. Change the angle of grip, pause as you reach the top, hold the movement in the middle, only do half the movement, then do the other half later...

Ok so as you can see, there are a lot of ways to change your workout. Do it so you don't get bored. Do it so you can continue to grow stronger. Do it so you have fun, look better, what ever. Just have fun with it.

That's all for now, so have fun. Be safe. Ask a trainer.

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