Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Healthy Lifestyle

Ok, here we go again. Today I'm going to try and start getting back in shape. Now, I've tried this before, many times. I go through this crazy phase of pushing myself too far, and either getting bored, loosing a workout partner, or just wanting to do something else.

So this time, I'm going to blog about it, and see if that helps me keep this up.

I'll start with the reasons why I want to work out. I'm 32, and I'm not in the worst shape of my life, but I'm not in the best shape. I'm 208 lbs. I know that weight is not what I'm looking at. It's how I feel and how I look. And how I look can directly effect how I feel. Just so I don't ramble on, I'll start with wants, needs and goals.

Wants: I want to look better, feel better, and I want more energy. I want to want to take my shirt off at a pool or a hot tub. I want to fit cloths I can't fit into anymore. I want to look good in shirts that are a little too tight. I want to be more active, such as going snowboarding without the fear of being out of breath. I want to go on bike rides without passing out! (that hasn't happened, but hey, it could at this point.)

Don't Want...s" I don't want to be a gym rat. There's nothing wrong with being a gym rat, but I have a life and I don't want to spend that much time keeping up big muscle. I don't want to miss a week and be pissed because I lost my forward momentum. I don't want to get huge and then loose it again. (Yes that happened to me)

Reasons it hasn't worked before: I first started working out when I was 17. I had nothing else to do, and I was tired of being the skinny runt. By 18, I was ripped, and girls were falling all over me for the first time. At 19 I was considering becoming a professional body builder. I took college classes for being a fitness trainer. It stopped working because I didn't make it my life.

Second time was when I started working in another town. Good solid job, desk job, and I got fat. Lost all my muscle... well not all of it, but you know. I got soft. I started working out, got into it, and loved it as always. It felt great to get back into it and I just soaked it up. I got muscle again, and went big. After about a year I started skipping work outs, and got frustrated. I defeated myself by saying I just didn't make it and it wasn't worth going back because I'd lost so much.

***Total side note. While typing this blog, my wife just asked me what I wanted to eat. I at first thought the left over burritos sounded great, then I'm like... wait I'm writing a blog about getting back into shape, lets start now. I asked for two eggs, no toast. Lets cut down on the carbs.***

Third time I started working out with my brother. I liked having a work-out partner, it kept me going. He flaked out, or rather went too hard and hurt himself. He's worse than me about going too far too fast, and he totally burned himself out within the first 4 months. I kept going for a year, then had my first son, and man it all went away. Working out was totally not even on my mind. I had work, then I wanted to be home with my wife and son. Not a bad reason to quit, but I could have kept going.

Lessons Learned: First lesson, so what if I don't go to the gym for 2 weeks. Not going back at all is stupid. How to stop this cycle is to not get caught up in the numbers of it. I lost 5lbs of bench. Well don't keep track. Lift what I can lift. Go for looks and feel, not for numbers.

Second lesson learned, don't start a workout that will be hurt by a couple of weeks off. My life is pretty full, so I need to find a workout that doesn't rely on going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. So, I need to start a workout that doesn't rely on a gym. Yeah I can go, or I can just run at home. Or I can use what little weights I have now.

Third lesson learned: Don't rely on a workout partner. They are nice, but they have the same problems I have. Sure hook up with one when possible to keep motivated and give a little friendly competition, but don't set yourself up to fail when they fail.

Forth Lesson Learned: Eat right. When everything fits together, eating right can mean the difference between feeling like going to the gym, and feeling sleepy and bloated.

Fifth Lesson: Start each weak new. So what if you had a crappy week last week, non of that matters. It's done and over with. This is the new week and you just have to do the best you can with it. Doesn't matter what day you choose to make the new week start.

Ok enough with the lessons.... Time to get to the motivations.

Look in the freaking mirror. Do I like what I see? Not right now! Big motivator. Run outside with my son, do I get winded? Yep! Good motivator.

From here on out! Starting Now!
So how am I going to do this today? My brother is, once again, getting into shape. How long will this last? Who knows, but I've been running off and on, I did a 5K Shamrock run in Portland, and I'm not in terrible shape. I will not rely on my brother like I did last time, but I will use that as a kick start.

I've started a blog, this is to help me keep track of how I'm feeling and I hope it will keep me on track. All of my past mistakes are here, and I will work at not repeating them.

I'll take control of the shopping list more. Time to start only guying foods that work with my new life style. Work with the wife to eat more healthy, not that we aren't now, but I want foods that fit getting into shape. I'll help with the cooking. This will help me, and my wife.

My brother is buying me a gym membership in trade for something I did for him. I'm excited but apprehensive. I'll feel better after I get past the 2 weeks of pains and soreness.

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