Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Day After

Last night at the gym went well, and I didn't do as bad as I thought I would.

On a side note, I have no idea if I'm doing this blog thing correctly. Am I supposed to just keep making new ones or adding to the ones I already have? Oh well.

Maybe I'll go by weeks.

Eating less went well today. Since I do want to loose weight first, I am cutting down my calorie intake. After I loose some fat, I will see what I feel up to later. The best thing I can do is stay on track for just feeling better about myself, and not being winded after simple things like running down the driveway or running up steps.

I stuck with things I brought for lunch, and I didn't even eat all of that. I just ate oatmeal, and the small container of egg salad. Then had an apple and a banana. I just got home and had some more of the egg salad. I'm planning on going to the gym again today, but I haven't figured out a routine yet.

I'm following my goal of just feeling better about myself and loosing some weight. At first I probably won't loose much. My muscles will build up a little and that will offset the fat I loose right off the bat. Since I used to weight lift, my muscles will build quicker, so I'll probably actually gain weight at first. Then as my muscles start to become calorie burning machines, I'll start loosing fat, being careful not to starve myself or I'll go into starvation mode.

I also have to figure out some sort of a way to keep track so I can easily look back and see how far I've come. One motivator is to see where you were. Pictures are good, but I just never got into them. Plus... I mean come on, how bad does it look taking pictures of yourself in a mirror... ok I'm sorry to all those I see doing that at the gym. But you look dumb.

What I've Learned about starting out at this type of workout.
So since I've started working out many times, there's things I've learned.

1. Consult a nutritional professional. It depends on what you are looking to do, but it always helps to have some good advice about what to eat, how often to eat it, and when. For me, cut down the carbs, but not completely cut them out. More protein is good, and I take a vitamin supplement, with some joint support and rebuilding supplies.

2. Go easy. Go really easy. Do you know how easy it is for me to over-do it on the first day back? I instantly get back into an old routine mind set. I want to push myself like I remember doing before, and that's not good! I go slow, and I focus on form. I do less than half the weight I remember doing before. It might seem too light, but spend 8 seconds on one rep, and you'll feel it.

3. You will be sore the day after the next day. So, 2 days after you work out for the first time, you are going to feel it! There are some things I've found that really helps. Work out again! This helps flush out the lactic acid. I drink a lot of water. And I keep moving. Nothing helps a really sore muscle like lifting a little bit of weight with it a couple of times.

4. You can't see results right away... and this is frustrating, or it can be. If you really want results, don't eat a whole lot and do some abs and back extensions. Your pants will feel loose within a week.

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