Thursday, June 28, 2012


Just a quick update, I'm still building muscle, still losing some inches around the waist, and still losing fat. I'm starting to see results faster just because I have less fat to hide the muscle. I still have quite a little cushion of fat though, so I'm slowly burning through it.

I still weigh 204lbs. I have been doing a fantastic job of replacing my fat with muscle at a good rate. I have been cutting back a little one how much I eat to try and burn through some of that reserve fat for summer.

Which brings me to my topic today. Protein. And why not? Of course you probably know protein is the building blocks of muscle. You probably also know that your body doesn't store protein, which means you won't fat from eating a lot of it. What your body doesn't use, you just filter out.

I want to lose some fat now, and still have food for my muscles, so I've really switched to protein rich foods and less carbs and fats. I did say less, I'm still eating some fats. And I'm still eating some carbs. Just less:)

It does make a difference, but I've found myself getting hungry more often. I just replace a meal or snack with a protein shake or protein food as the snack, and I'm good. It's working so far, and I'm seeing my body change, showing more of the muscle I have.

Some Encouragement: Someone I hadn't seen in about 6 months came by my work. He came up to me and told me he couldn't believe how much weight I'd lost. He seemed a bit confused when I told him I actually hadn't lost a lot of weight, just transferred it to more useful muscle.

I can't wait until I find someone who hasn't seen me for an entire year...

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